Even if you have an existing PR agency or an in-house team, there are times when your brand needs fresh insights and creative ideas, without having to break a commitment. As little as an hour can be a game-changer for your business and on you go. If you are just setting up your business, you may need a steer on where to start or maybe you feel everything is stagnant and needs a kickstart. It’s your hour to get things resolved. You decide on a specific area - or we can do a PR sweep on different aspects of your campaign.

There’s no point going public if your website isn’t engaging and potential customers /clients drop off the site pages when they check your brand out. Social media and traditional media coverage can draw lots of traffic to your site, so it’s important to make sure the design and the words work and you stand every chance of creating and converting leads. Often it doesn’t mean a whole revamp of the site but creating a different tone and changing a few of the words.
The Service - ½ or 1 day
- Online or Face to Face meeting with business owner /senior management about marketing objective
- Review of site and any Google Analytics
- Recommendations and revisions for the website

A lot of PR and marketing folk will ask you “What’s your story?”, but the starting point for any PR campaign is to establish the right PR positioning and create that point of distinction. From this, you can be sure you have the best and consistent messages which are then used for all external communications; whether that’s copy on your website, an email to a journalist, the “elevator pitch” to a prospect or the words used in a press announcement.
The Service- ½ day -2 days
- Online/face to face meeting (s) with business owner, board and/or in-house marketing about commercial and sales objectives
- Review of your website (if website audit not taken) and other existing literature
- Create PR positioning and core essential messages which can be used in all external communication
- Create PR strategy

“What’s my story? ”- the essentials for your PR campaign
Finding the story or a point of interest to discuss with the media isn’t always straightforward. You may be proud of the company’s re-brand or the fact you’ve been in business for a year or ten, but you need more to create the column inches. Sam works directly with the business owner and senior management and sales teams to find the best story (ies) to engage the media and other target audiences.
The workshop – 1-2 days (depending on number of personnel)
- Sam meets face to face to interview the business owner, senior management and marketing and sales teams about the brand
- Creation of press angles and article synopses which can be ‘pitched in’ and stand the best chance of a commission in either national, trade and industry press
- Ideas for press releases and suggested timeline
- How to do the phone call /face to face pitch with journalists – important do’s and don’ts

The Big Interview
Even the strongest and fearless in life can crumble at the thought of being interviewed by a journalist. Yet in reality, most journalists are not looking to doorstep or ‘stitch-up’ the individual or company. They are keen to get expert insights, hear industry trends or how the business is changing the marketplace. Even if the interview isn’t in the diary, it’s always good to be prepared to ensure you are equipped with the best soundbites, as and when the interview arises.
The workshop – ¼ day per person
- Insights and techniques for taking part in media interviews
- How to get important company messages across without appearing too “salesy”
- How to handle difficult questions without saying “no comment”
- Preparation for any upcoming interviews to ensure it is in line with company messages but doesn’t sound contrived

The Social Media Highway Code Training
Business owners and HRs may be very proud of their social media policy, but, in reality, very few staff ever read or truly engage with it. It’s not just footballers or celebrities which can fall foul on the social media highway but business folk too.
Social media crises can often arise because employees are careless or don’t think about the words they post and the potentila impact on the firm’s reputation and client or customer fall-out. This workshop provides businesses with the vital know-how on how to navigate and mitigate risk on social media platforms.
The workshop – 2 hours (maximum 8 people in a group)
- Learn what to say and critically what not to say when using social media.
- Understand the blurry line of professional and personal brand on social media and implications of posting outside work
- Fun, and interactional training which includes discussions and debates on real life social media disasters
- Vital do’s and don’ts to ensure your social media posts engage but don’t get you or your company in trouble

Writing Services
PR on a Tin has written a lot of words for brands over the past 25 years. It could be millions or gazillions, but the important bit is the words are written in an engaging tone and resonates with the target audience.
The Service- minimum 2hours+
Ad-hoc writing services include:
Drafting or editing:
- Speeches for AGMs and conferences
- Articles for national, trade and industry media
- Press releases
- Sales and marketing literature for clients
- White Papers
- Copy for the website
- Award entries (see tin below)

Copywriting for Award Entries
Entering awards is no mean feat – you may have all the collateral and you feel you deserve to win, but to stand a chance of even being short listed, your team has to spend time drafting a compelling entry. This service takes away the stress of all the preparation and writing of awards and means the in-house team are free to concentrate on other core activities of the business.
The Service- 1-2 days
- Interviews with CEO, senior management and sales team to gather important information about the business and points of distinction
- Create client case studies to accompany an entry
- Write the entry for final revisions before the in-house team send in the entry

Thought Leadership
Scan LinkedIn and you will find a saturation of people describing themselves as either a guru or a thought leader. Most aren’t. It’s not about writing a few best practice articles in the industry media either.
Ensuring you and your brand are genuine thought leaders takes time. Joel Kurtzman, editor-in-chief of Strategy & Business once said “A thought leader is recognised by peers, customers and industry experts as someone who deeply understands the business they are in, the needs of their customers and the broader marketplace in which they operate. They have distinctively original ideas, unique points of view and new insights.”
PR on a Tin has the expertise to create UK and international campaigns which successfully establish brands as thought leaders. In the past this has resulted in National media exclusives with half to full page write ups, direct client leads and wins and direct responses from local and national government. Issues have included grandparent alienation, legislation around the Domestic Abuse Bill, company expenses, the retirement fund gap for middle income families and how small businesses were losing out on the credit ratings lottery.
Services include (1 day upwards – depending on your requirements)
- Creative planning /research: devising ideas,
- Managing research elements including drafting questions and recommendations for qualitative and quantitative research
- Analysing statistics following field work and recommendations for angles to discuss with the media
- Drafting white papers and media releases

How Much Does My Tin Cost?
It depends. The PR Hour is £120. There are some concessions for micro-businesses, sole traders and for businesses going through a challenging time to keep afloat. PR on a Tin wants to help UK businesses in all financial climates. As a guide, a half day costs £450 and we can pack a lot in that half a day.