I've been collaborating at work for yonks.  Way before the word collaboration became hip in the WeWork canteen. Sometimes it's fleeting and sometimes it's ongoing. I am truly grateful for everyone's insights, advice and their services for my business and my clients.   

This section is to share the wealth for those who may be looking for recommendations and also to say thank you.  I’ll keep adding more names on this page but to start off…

Beginnings can be daunting and also very exciting. There are two people I want to say thank you for helping me get PR on a Tin launched. Firstly Aby Richter, CEO of Wolfe Alexander who is about to launch a wonderful animation business for schools and children from under privileged backgrounds needing inspiration for their future. Watch this space. Aby gave me tough love and really did spur me on to get my new business off the ground. Aby is also a whizz with technology and website creation.

Also, a big thank you to the wonderful Holly Jones, a very talented illustrator and graphic artist. if you want someone with real artistic flair, someone who is an utter joy to deal with and provides great value, do visit her site theillustratedbaker.com.  Holly knew exactly what I wanted and the artwork of tins is down to her. As I really can't draw stickmen.